Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Further Ruminations

I wish I could put out of my head all of the things that my mother said to me about Luis' and my relationship, but it keeps playing over and over in my head. I had some additional thoughts today which continue to make me angry:

1. My father divorced his 1st wife. Why didn't he insist that she not be allowed to keep her married last name, since she isn't family? Part of their argument was that Luis shouldn't be allowed to use the last name because he isn't family. I'd argue he is more family than an ex-wife.

2. I've probably mentioned this before, but my mother got divorced. Her parents got divorced. Her brother got divorced. Who is she to tell ME what marriage is?

I just found out that a good friend of ours who did the ceremony sent a letter to my mom. His heart is in the right place, but I suspect that it is going to do more harm than good.

Dad called today and left a voicemail that he wanted me to call them sometime when I was at home. I don't particularly want to, and I don't know when (or if) I will.

Luis is being tremendously supportive, and just keeps reminding me that I have him. I also realize that I have a lot of loyal friends and co-workers who love me unconditionally.


Anonymous said...

Hang in there. I'm sorry that this is going on. Sometimes parents lose sight of what is really important. Maybe your Mom will find something that will remind her of what is really important soon.

Totally off subject...I'm so glad that you started posting again. I miss talking to you!

Fusion4Future said...

Thanks, Lisa! I'm hoping to keep up with this more often. And I miss you too!